Active911 WordPress Website Redesign
Our Work
Active911 is an Oregon-based software and emergency communications company serving police, fire, and emergency response teams around the globe. Built from the ground up by first responders, Active911’s software and services provide teams with the tools necessary for real-time communications, alerting, mapping, and scene resources when emergencies occur.
As Active911 has grown to serve more than 300,000 first responders worldwide, its software and offerings have evolved to its core users range of needs. Seeking to refine the presentation of the brand and allow messaging that reflects who they are, who they serve, and the available products, Active911 partnered with GRAYBOX for brand strategy and a website redesign. Engaging with Active911, GRAYBOX explored brand, business, and core user requirements to establish project goals and confirm needed features and functionality. During the UX/UI design process, personas and competitives insights were generated to create a logical paths through the webesite’s architecture and aid users in wayfinding based on the work their teams do. The GRAYBOX development team implemented the design into a highly performant and secure WordPress site which enabled marketing integrations and empowered the Active911 team to control boldly announce their mission and display their brand.
Active911’s unique product offerings and mission made it an easy partnership to get invested. As we worked through strategy, competitive analysis and user personas revealed a need to speak differently about their solutions based on the focus of first responders and how they would use their services. GRAYBOX used that to inform UX design and CMS development to provide the flexibility of information and user flow. The end result is a robust WordPress built and content controls that allow admins to adjust every aspect of the site as needed.