Web Application Adoptions
If another company designed and/or built your current web application, know that we regularly adopt these apps like they are our own. We’re here to help provide support and feature development.
Ongoing Support from the Web Application Experts
We're happy to provide support, maintenance and feature improvements for applications that we didn't originally build.
GRAYBOX believes in adoptions — we frequently get the opportunity to support and maintain web applications that we didn't originally plan, design or build. We're here for you with a dedicated support team to make sure your app stays up, secure and that every user session is great.
Other agencies call this unconventional, as there are always dangers that lurk somewhere in the app that we don't know about. But we believe that adoptions are a critical way for your business to get the most out of your original investment.
Moreover, your application is never truly, "done" — it can require constant updates, patches, redesigns, and refactoring to stay relevant to your customer and the market trends anyway; it would be wasteful to throw it all out when everything is constantly getting remodeled.
To staff our support team, we have dedicated resources that are 100% available just in case you need something urgently. Our support team does proactive maintenance and monitoring when they aren't fixing something critically, but in case you need them we can fix most revenue-blocking or reputation-damaging critical issues within a day, or up to 5-days if it's not hurting your reputation or bank account.
This level of ongoing support is one of the most popular options we use with all of our client-partners as it keeps them safe, secure and taken care of.
Support When You Need It
There are no fees or charges for us to be on record as your support team. Just call, email, text, slack or message us when you need us and we'll get it fixed. It's your on-demand team.
Proactive Monitoring
We stay on top of the latest trends, updates, patches and security issues that might impact both your hosting or your application later. We then alert you if anything needs to be fixed before it becomes a crisis.
Dedicated Team, Here to Help
We have a dedicated support team that is already available and here to help. Critical issues are resolved same day, and non-critical issues are resolved within a week.